Critical Mass Business Talk Show
OC's Longest-Running Business Talk Show and Podcast
Critical Mass Business Talk Show and Podcast ranks in the top 15 for all Orange County-based podcasts and in the top 5% of all podcasts globally with a strong following of Orange County-based business executives who are leading middle-market firms.
Since he started his show, he has amassed over 1,500 podcasts in his catalog with a wide range of executives, authors, and thought leaders. His show is Orange County’s longest-running business talk show and podcast.
Today, the interviews stream live on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook and feature successful Orange County, California executives, business owners, and non-profit leaders.
Ric has developed a following as a podcast, with his shows now available on a wide range of platforms, from Apple Podcasts to iHeart to Spotify as well as many other platforms.
Million-Dollar Podcaster
An entrepreneur at heart, Ric has created a revenue model around his show. Since the show’s inception, Ric has generated seven figures of revenue from the program overall and six figures annually. He is highly respected within the podcasting community, which has exploded since Ric pioneered his format in 2009.